
Social Media Me baby!

If you are looking for help with your content for Social Media, One Awesome Woman is here to help!  We love creating amazing content that helps you get in front of your audience consistently in a way that works for you. 

All costs are for a month’s worth of scheduling. Prices are listed in AUD

Got all your content ready to go for your Social Media but just struggle to get it up and scheduled?  Let me help!

$100  1 – 2 posts per week
$125  3 – 4 posts per week
$150  5 – 6 posts per week

Have you got all your graphics ready to go but don’t know what to put with them?

Get your copy written for you with your guidance on the type of content required and what you would like your call to action to be, OR have your graphics done for you if you have your copy done, and just don’t know how to put it in image form. 

$150   1 – 2 posts per week
$230  2 – 3 posts per week
$300  4 – 5 posts per week

Need help getting everything done for your Social Media? 

Need your graphics work, the copy and the scheduling?  Yep, I can help with that!  This is all done with your consultation and approval.

$300 1 – 2 posts per week
$375 3 – 4 posts per week
$450 5 – 6 posts per week

Facebook Group management

Costs start at $200 a month with basic scheduling for the group for a month.  Management, interaction and moderation will depend on how big the group is and the time required.

Need more information?  Don’t hesitate to get in contact with me. All conversations have no obligations attached, we want to make sure we are the best fit.  No point being a round peg and a square hole!

Not what you are looking for? 

Facebook Health Check If you would like a review and suggestion session
